About Us

About Us School Car

About Us

NEK Driving School was founded in 2023 by Shawn McGarvin. Shawn moved to the Northeast Kingdom in 2004 after attending the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council, where he trained to be a Vermont State Trooper. Shawn worked as a Trooper and Detective with the Vermont State Police until 2019. During those 15 years, he held various positions such as DUI Enforcement Officer, Field Training Officer, and was a member of the Executive Protection Team. Each position provided him with unique training and experience in motor vehicle operation, and a deep understanding of motor vehicle law and safety.

Shawn continues to live in the area with his wife Jennifer, who is a teacher at the local high school's Department of Career and Technical Education. She also has a background in law enforcement, spending several years working with the Governor's Highway Safety Association as a Child Passenger Safety Technician. Jennifer assists NEK Driving School with behind the scenes business management, as well as social media and marketing

Shawn and Jennifer noticed there was a significant need for more drivers' education opportunities in the area. Given their professional backgrounds and interests in meeting the needs of the community, they agreed this would be a great path for Shawn as he moves closer to retiring from law enforcement. Shawn completed the White Mountains Community College's Driver Education Certificate program in the spring of 2023. That program is recognized by the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles and the Vermont Agency of Education, allowing Shawn to be licensed through both to teach drivers' education.

Shawn also has a bachelor's degree from Southern Vermont College and is a United States Marine Corp veteran who served in Operation Enduring Freedom. Jennifer has a bachelor's degree from the University of Vermont and a master's degree from Springfield College.

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